2024 Spots / Camera-Cluj, Centrul de Interes / Cluj-Napoca / RO
2023 Leftovers / Studio Gallery / Budapest / H
2022 Revelation(s) / Bigaignon / Paris / FR
SHC / acb Attachment / Budapest / H
Erosion / privat place / Budapest / H
2021 AgGregation / Pince / Budapest / H
2020 Fixation / Igor Metropol / Budapest / H
2019 Density / acb Attachment / Budapest / H
Ag / Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center / Budapest / H
2017 Post painterly-abstraction / Várfok Project Room / Budapest / H
2023 Helmer Transformations / IKON / Ferenczy Museum / Szentendre / H (w. KÚTVÖLGYI-SZABÓ Áron)
2018 #Trashbook – A címváltoztatás jogát fenntartjuk / ISBN Book + Gallery / Budapest / H (w. BIRÓ Dávid)
2017 Occam’s City / Labor Gallery / Budapest / H (w. KRISTÓF Gábor)
2015 Alignment & White on White / Artplacc / Tihany / H (w. BIRÓ Dávid)
2024 What Year Are You? / Public Collection Exhibition / MODEM / Debrecen / H
2023 OSAS Plus No.2 / Vasarely Museum / Budapest / H
Like You and Me / Mai Mano House / Budapest / H
2022 Youhu / Kieselbach Gallery and Auction House / Budapest / H
Rorschach Image / Dubniczay Palace / Veszprém / H
Substraction / Martyn Ferenc Gallery / House of Arts and Literature / Pécs / H
2020 Among Highlights - Selection of Masterpieces / Kieselbach Gallery and Auction House / Budapest / H
2019 Substance / MODEM / Debrecen / H
Bauhaus 100 – Programme for the Future / Ludwig Museum / Budapest /H
Bauhaus 100 / Vasarely Museum / Budapest / H
Anatomy of photography / Rómer Flóris Museum / Győr / H
Scale / New Budapest Gallery / Budapest / H
Distracting Modernity / Sopa Gallery / Kosice / SK
2018 Futures Talent / Unseen / Amsterdam / NL
Time of our lives? / MODEM / Debrecen / H
Wave, net, sand / acb Gallery / Budapest / H
Until Titled / Hegyvidék Gallery / Budapest / H
2017 Esterházy Art Award / Ludwig Museum / Budapest / H
Layers / cARTc / Budapest / H
RUI / / Bratislava / SK
RePlacement / Interphoto Festival / Hol Gallery / Bialystok / PL (w. BALOGH Viktória)
#Trashbook: Tej és szivacsok / Kunst Küche / Budapest / H
Fény Kép Emlék Mű / Fuga Budapest Center of Architecture / Budapest / H
Instax / Deák Erika Gallery / Budapest / H
2016 In Essence / KAS Gallery / Budapest / H
Best of Degree / Várkert Bazár / Budapest / H
Degree exhibition / Fuga Budapest Center of Architecture / Budapest / H
PHOTO/BOOK 2.0 / Petőfi Literary Museum / Budapest / H
MAMAVORE_photobook és photozine exhibition / Omnivore Gallery / Budapest / H
Impact: Abstraction & Experiment in Hungarian Photography / Alma on Dobbin / New York / US
Connections / FKSE debut exhibition / Labor Gallery / Budapest / H
2015 OFF_festival Bratislava / INTERPRETART / Until Titled / Piszory Palace / Bratislava / SK
Másképp / Tat Gallery / Budapest / H
PHOTO/BOOK / Petőfi Literary Museum / Budapest / H
Constraint freedom / Nick Art & Design / part of OFF-Biennale Budapest / Pécs / H
Interventions / Mono art & design / Budapest / H
2014 EPY14 / GT22 / Maribor / SI
HELLO your name is / FFS debut exhibition / Paloma / Budapest / H
Landscape experiences / Újbuda Cultural Institute / Budapest / H
OFF_festival Bratislava / MANIFESTO / Interventions / Piszory Palace / Bratislava / SK
Ubik (space/time distortions) / Casati Art Corner / Budapest / H
[re:prezent] / Open Project Space / Budapest / H
Esztergom Photo Biennale / Esztergom Castle Museum / Esztergom / H
KAUNAS PHOTO Fesztival / M.Zilinskas Art Gallery of the National M.K.Ciurlionis Art Museum / Kaunas / LI
Open Systems / M21 – Pécs Gallery / Pécs / H
2012 Creative Cities / Sala Dogana / Genoa / IT
2022 Budapest Gallery - Cité International des Arts Artists Exchange Programme / Paris / FR
2021 Visegrad Fund residency in FUTURA / Prague / CZ
Artists' Colony of Szentendre / Szentendre / H
2019 Hungarian Academy in Rome / Rome / IT
Artists' Colony of Debrecen / Debrecen / H
2018 MODEM-award / main prize / Debrecen / H
Budapest Photo Festival Portfolio Review / main prize / Budapest / H
2017 Esterházy Art Award / shortlist / Budapest / H
Residency Under Investigation / Bratislava / SK
2016 Erasmus + / Teacher mobility / Tartu / EST
2015 Minister of Education awards the Fellowship granted by the Republic / H
Leopold Bloom Award / semi-finalist / Budapest / H
National Art Student Conference (OMDK) / 2. prize / BKF / Budapest / H
2014 ON_AWARD / OFF_festival Bratislava / Bratislava / SK (group prize)
Fotóporta portfolio review / 2. prize / FUGA Architectural Center / Budapest / H
Lucien Hervé et Rodolf Hervé Prix / nominated / Paris / FR
2013 Campus Hungary team scholarship – research of Cluj artists medial representations / Cluj Napoca / RO
Budapest Contemporary / by MODEM / Budapest / H
2022 ArtMarket / by acb Gallery / Budapest / H
2021 ARCO / by acb Gallery / online exhibition
2020 Art and Antique / by acb Gallery / Budapest / H
Art Market / by acb Gallery / online exhibition
2019 Paris Photo / by acb Gallery / Paris / FR
2018 PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco / by acb Gallery / San Fransisco / US
Art Market / by acb Gallery / Budapest / H
2016 ArtMarket / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Budapest / H
Vienna PhotoBook Festival / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Vienna / AU
Ukmukfukk Zinefeszt / Budapest / H
2015 Hip Hip Zinne Fair / Sofia / BG
Vienna PhotoBook Festival / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Vienna / AU
2014 ArtMarket / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Budapest / H
2023 Like You and Me / catalogue
2022 Youhu / catalogue
Among Highlights - Selection of Masterpieces / catalogue
Artists' Colony of Debrecen 2019 / catalogue
2020 Review of Hungarian Photography / SOMOSI Rita
2019 / catalogue / SIBRIK Attila
Month of Photography Budapest / catalogue
Time of our lives? / catalogue / BARKÓCZI Flóra
Apokrif / Gyönyörüségig gyürt absztraktok (Dobokay Máté kemigramjairól) / veres dani
2018 Fotómüvészet / Objektív nélkül / SOMOSI Rita
2017 / SIBRIK Attila / HERMANN Veronika
2016 Artlocator / Stripping off photography’s constraints / DON Tamás / SZILÁGYI Róza Tekla
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) / Paris / FR
Ferenczy Museum Centrum / Szentendre / H
MODEM / Debrecen / H
2015 – Studio of Young Artists Association (FKSE)
2014 – 2017 Studio of Young Photographers (FFS) / board member from 2015 to 2017
2024 Spots / Camera-Cluj, Centrul de Interes / Cluj-Napoca / RO
2023 Leftovers / Studio Gallery / Budapest / H
2022 Revelation(s) / Bigaignon / Paris / FR
SHC / acb Attachment / Budapest / H
Erosion / privat place / Budapest / H
2021 AgGregation / Pince / Budapest / H
2020 Fixation / Igor Metropol / Budapest / H
2019 Density / acb Attachment / Budapest / H
Ag / Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center / Budapest / H
2017 Post painterly-abstraction / Várfok Project Room / Budapest / H
2023 Helmer Transformations / IKON / Ferenczy Museum / Szentendre / H (w. KÚTVÖLGYI-SZABÓ Áron)
2018 #Trashbook – A címváltoztatás jogát fenntartjuk / ISBN Book + Gallery / Budapest / H (w. BIRÓ Dávid)
2017 Occam’s City / Labor Gallery / Budapest / H (w. KRISTÓF Gábor)
2015 Alignment & White on White / Artplacc / Tihany / H (w. BIRÓ Dávid)
2024 What Year Are You? / Public Collection Exhibition / MODEM / Debrecen / H
2023 OSAS Plus No.2 / Vasarely Museum / Budapest / H
Like You and Me / Mai Mano House / Budapest / H
2022 Youhu / Kieselbach Gallery and Auction House / Budapest / H
Rorschach Image / Dubniczay Palace / Veszprém / H
Substraction / Martyn Ferenc Gallery / House of Arts and Literature / Pécs / H
2020 Among Highlights - Selection of Masterpieces / Kieselbach Gallery and Auction House / Budapest / H
2019 Substance / MODEM / Debrecen / H
Bauhaus 100 – Programme for the Future / Ludwig Museum / Budapest /H
Bauhaus 100 / Vasarely Museum / Budapest / H
Anatomy of photography / Rómer Flóris Museum / Győr / H
Scale / New Budapest Gallery / Budapest / H
Distracting Modernity / Sopa Gallery / Kosice / SK
2018 Futures Talent / Unseen / Amsterdam / NL
Time of our lives? / MODEM / Debrecen / H
Wave, net, sand / acb Gallery / Budapest / H
Until Titled / Hegyvidék Gallery / Budapest / H
2017 Esterházy Art Award / Ludwig Museum / Budapest / H
Layers / cARTc / Budapest / H
RUI / / Bratislava / SK
RePlacement / Interphoto Festival / Hol Gallery / Bialystok / PL (w. BALOGH Viktória)
#Trashbook: Tej és szivacsok / Kunst Küche / Budapest / H
Fény Kép Emlék Mű / Fuga Budapest Center of Architecture / Budapest / H
Instax / Deák Erika Gallery / Budapest / H
2016 In Essence / KAS Gallery / Budapest / H
Best of Degree / Várkert Bazár / Budapest / H
Degree exhibition / Fuga Budapest Center of Architecture / Budapest / H
PHOTO/BOOK 2.0 / Petőfi Literary Museum / Budapest / H
MAMAVORE_photobook és photozine exhibition / Omnivore Gallery / Budapest / H
Impact: Abstraction & Experiment in Hungarian Photography / Alma on Dobbin / New York / US
Connections / FKSE debut exhibition / Labor Gallery / Budapest / H
2015 OFF_festival Bratislava / INTERPRETART / Until Titled / Piszory Palace / Bratislava / SK
Másképp / Tat Gallery / Budapest / H
PHOTO/BOOK / Petőfi Literary Museum / Budapest / H
Constraint freedom / Nick Art & Design / part of OFF-Biennale Budapest / Pécs / H
Interventions / Mono art & design / Budapest / H
2014 EPY14 / GT22 / Maribor / SI
HELLO your name is / FFS debut exhibition / Paloma / Budapest / H
Landscape experiences / Újbuda Cultural Institute / Budapest / H
OFF_festival Bratislava / MANIFESTO / Interventions / Piszory Palace / Bratislava / SK
Ubik (space/time distortions) / Casati Art Corner / Budapest / H
[re:prezent] / Open Project Space / Budapest / H
Esztergom Photo Biennale / Esztergom Castle Museum / Esztergom / H
KAUNAS PHOTO Fesztival / M.Zilinskas Art Gallery of the National M.K.Ciurlionis Art Museum / Kaunas / LI
Open Systems / M21 – Pécs Gallery / Pécs / H
2012 Creative Cities / Sala Dogana / Genoa / IT
2022 Budapest Gallery - Cité International des Arts Artists Exchange Programme / Paris / FR
2021 Visegrad Fund residency in FUTURA / Prague / CZ
Artists' Colony of Szentendre / Szentendre / H
2019 Hungarian Academy in Rome / Rome / IT
Artists' Colony of Debrecen / Debrecen / H
2018 MODEM-award / main prize / Debrecen / H
Budapest Photo Festival Portfolio Review / main prize / Budapest / H
2017 Esterházy Art Award / shortlist / Budapest / H
Residency Under Investigation / Bratislava / SK
2016 Erasmus + / Teacher mobility / Tartu / EST
2015 Minister of Education awards the Fellowship granted by the Republic / H
Leopold Bloom Award / semi-finalist / Budapest / H
National Art Student Conference (OMDK) / 2. prize / BKF / Budapest / H
2014 ON_AWARD / OFF_festival Bratislava / Bratislava / SK (group prize)
Fotóporta portfolio review / 2. prize / FUGA Architectural Center / Budapest / H
Lucien Hervé et Rodolf Hervé Prix / nominated / Paris / FR
2013 Campus Hungary team scholarship – research of Cluj artists medial representations / Cluj Napoca / RO
2024 Paris Photo / Bigaignon / Párizs / FR
Art Brussels / Bigaignon / Brüsszel / BL
2023 Unseen / acb Gallery / Amsterdam / NL
Art Paris / Bigaignon / Párizs / FR
Budapest Contemporary / by acb Gallery / Budapest / HArt Brussels / Bigaignon / Brüsszel / BL
2023 Unseen / acb Gallery / Amsterdam / NL
Art Paris / Bigaignon / Párizs / FR
Budapest Contemporary / by MODEM / Budapest / H
2022 ArtMarket / by acb Gallery / Budapest / H
2021 ARCO / by acb Gallery / online exhibition
2020 Art and Antique / by acb Gallery / Budapest / H
Art Market / by acb Gallery / online exhibition
2019 Paris Photo / by acb Gallery / Paris / FR
2018 PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco / by acb Gallery / San Fransisco / US
Art Market / by acb Gallery / Budapest / H
2016 ArtMarket / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Budapest / H
Vienna PhotoBook Festival / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Vienna / AU
Ukmukfukk Zinefeszt / Budapest / H
2015 Hip Hip Zinne Fair / Sofia / BG
Vienna PhotoBook Festival / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Vienna / AU
2014 ArtMarket / by Young Photographers Assosiation / Budapest / H
2023 Like You and Me / catalogue
2022 Youhu / catalogue
Among Highlights - Selection of Masterpieces / catalogue
Artists' Colony of Debrecen 2019 / catalogue
2020 Review of Hungarian Photography / SOMOSI Rita
2019 / catalogue / SIBRIK Attila
Month of Photography Budapest / catalogue
Time of our lives? / catalogue / BARKÓCZI Flóra
Apokrif / Gyönyörüségig gyürt absztraktok (Dobokay Máté kemigramjairól) / veres dani
2018 Fotómüvészet / Objektív nélkül / SOMOSI Rita
2017 / SIBRIK Attila / HERMANN Veronika
2016 Artlocator / Stripping off photography’s constraints / DON Tamás / SZILÁGYI Róza Tekla
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) / Paris / FR
Ferenczy Museum Centrum / Szentendre / H
MODEM / Debrecen / H
2015 – Studio of Young Artists Association (FKSE)
2014 – 2017 Studio of Young Photographers (FFS) / board member from 2015 to 2017
born in Pécs, Hungary, 1988
living and working in Budapest, Hungary
living and working in Budapest, Hungary
I mainly deal with abstract and concrete photography. My works always converge to painting somehow, trying to question and push the frontiers between it and photography. I use photography as a tool, but reach back to its essence repeatedly. Through the medium, but not with its proper usage I create my images using this to blur the boundaries.
I mainly deal with abstract and concrete photography. My works always converge to painting somehow, trying to question and push the frontiers between it and photography. I use photography as a tool, but reach back to its essence repeatedly. Through the medium, but not with its proper usage I create my images using this to blur the boundaries.